journey's end, or merely beginning

Oh hai, hot stuff! Up to you how long she's waited and stuff, left it open Smile
WC: 379

Legs ached as he moved onward, ignoring them with a fierceness that was unlike him. Sure, lately not everything had gone the way he planned, and his face burned with the thought of it. Gvihita did not help, either. Always present, now, she had finally discovered that the wolves here were very much in awe at her powrful form, and vanity was something that followed her, it seemed. She would bristle her feathers at anyone, beak and eyes emotionless, but he knew she took great pleasure in seeing their jaws drop. Not only that, but she was taking great pleasure in rubbing his own failures in his face; she did not act how he had thought a spirit guide would act. But, as always, she was probably teaching him a lesson, and as he remembered why his face grew hot again, and he stared at the path at his feet and moved forward.

He liked to stray from the path through the thicker vegetation and enter the plains with the fences running through it every time he took these treks around his territory. There was something about the duality of the world that was so perfectly examplified in several ways. There was only land and sky; no trees, no buildings that stuck up to ruin the image. And there was only the inside and the outside of the fence; home, and everywhere else. His russet-colored legs took him in that direction automatically, and his gaze was fixed on the ground for a while. His face changed from deep thought to curious amazement When he finally did lift his gaze upwards, and he found himself walking now in a different way. Eagerly, perhaps. The feathers that ornamented his mane shook lightly in the breeze that flew past his face, and then Gvihita was on his shoulder. He had expected her. The chief stopped some strides from the stranger and he studied her spear before speaking up. No doubt, Nayati would take interest in this one. "Greetings," Dawali said, bluntly. He was not particularly used to such a ceremonius show at his borders. Clearing his throat, he continued. "My name is Dawali Amara; I am the Chief of the tribe that live around these parts. What do you seek from us?"

Awesome sexy table by Kat! Smile

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