tell them that she's not sacred

The look that Snake gave the woman when she expressed her supposed disappointment at missing the war was definitely a strange one—as if what she had just said was little more than nonsense. While he accepted that violence and armed conflict was inevitable and sometimes necessary in life, he would never incite it personally. His ultimate goal when he woke up every morning was to survive to the next day, and fighting in wars usually was a big obstacle in that. He did not miss the lackluster tone in her voice, meaning that she might not be totally genuine in her words, but it was still enough to give him pause. This blond coyote's values were very strange—in one place he thought that any form of self-imposed mutilation was akin to the darkest of crimes, as it was committed against one's own body. It was understandable for him, who valued his own life directly as the utility of his own body to fight. Others would find such a sentiment odd, but it was how he had been raised. The reason why his soul had been asleep for such a long time—Patriot had convinced him that his body was all that mattered, and that mind and spirit and heart were throw-away.

This concept was changing, slowly and not without difficulty. Regardless he managed to hit the mark when it came to her family, though he could definitely hear the harsh tone to her words. That was puzzling; why would she have come here for family if she regarded them in such a way? He did not ask, worrying that it was a sore subject, but his quizzical expression spoke for him. As for who he knew with the Lykoi name, he looked to the river as he tried to think of all of them. "Kaena Lykoi, the Centurion. And Vieira, a woman named Corona, and... a boy, his name was something like Mkhai." He wasn't sure if he got that last one right, but he didn't really care. There were also the de le Poers who he was sure were related in some way, but he assumed she would know something of them anyway. "How are you related to them?"


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