Back from her long trip

When she said she got it for him, he smiled, his ear twitched. He blinked, his eyes looking at hers, "Thank you, it is very beautiful." he chuckled and looked away. He thought about his.."house" it was really embarrassing to be honest. The rickety old shed, it kept the rain out and it was toasty if you had a fire going, so he didn't mind it too much, better than a small lean to that he was used to. He smiled to himself and looked back at Adonia "I like it a lot, I've never have been given gifts, so I'm sorry if I'm awkward saying thanks." he rubbed the back of his head and chuckled nervously.

He thought for a moment, sighed and crossed his hands across his chest. "I've realized that you've never seen my house." he let out another sigh, "It isn't much to be talked about, just a..just a small thing." He laughed, thinking about it. It may not be the greatest of places, but he liked where it was, a small creek running behind it, shallow, but it was nice. He enjoyed sitting by it, just listening to the flowing water, the rippling.

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