M - daydream milk and genocide.


The indescribable torrent concentrated there—inside of her. He thrust into her with the force of a body violently starving for climax and snarled viciously as the silent explosion hit and rushed through the blood already brought to impossible highs by adrenaline and lust. Deep inside her womb, his seed would fester and grow. It would be tainted and dark and it would let him continue to walk amongst the mortal in this world. He adored his playground and was reluctant to return to the fiery pits he once had emerged from. The male buried his face in the blood soaked fur on the woman’s chest and held on to her until the violent storm within calmed and died. Brilliant blue orbs opened slowly and stared at his shadows as he listened to the woman’s heartbeat climbing down along with his own. She had spoken of a birth, and a birth was what she would give him.

He pushed back and away from her as soon as he was able to, and used part of his remaining power source to shift back into the four legged creature form. This was what he was, a monster bringing fangs and claws of death. He watched her form, wondering what had formed her into the being that made her worthy of a few more months of life. Kaena had been his target, but this woman had given herself to him willingly. She would live and the mother would die if he was ever to corner the one eyed female again. A wild beast ripped and raged against its inner cage behind his chest, and the man had changed his mind. The soul had departed and death had turned Noir’s body cold, but the blood soaked male followed the red stained trail to the heart he earlier had declined and devoured the cold organ.

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