You float like a feather

Sorry this took so long, Libri! We're a bit under-manned here in Storm as of late, I'm glad you decided to join us =) I apologize for jumping in, Pilot. We don't have any spahers (obviously) and I learned that you were scarce, so I figured I should go ahead and go for it.

Skoll had seen the white wolf approach, and begun walking deliberately along the territory's edge to meet her. He didn't recognize her initially, but eventually a breeze brought the familiar scent to his nose. Colibri? Or one of her children? Skoll had met Melisande recently, so he knew that his friend had been enjoying a life fully apart from anything he had heard of. Unlike some of the Souls' wolves, Skoll was no gossip, nor did he usually receive gossip, so news of her life had all fallen far from his ears.

Skoll approached, walking on two legs as he had committed himself to do all day every day since hearing about Phoenix's worsening condition. His human-made pack rested on his right hip, an axe handle sticking up from the depths of the pack, while the handle of his stilleto offered itself at an angle for easy access by his left hand. His shield/brace--a roughly two-foot long and one-foot wide curved rectangle of timber that strapped to his left arm in battle--rested on his left hip, though it was always reserved for battles that he knew he was going into, since it could not be quickly secured to his forearm. The eight-foot golden werewolf had new scars since the last time he'd seen the ragged wolf before him, the most notable change to his appearance besides all of his new accoutrements being his missing left ear, sheered clean by a knife in his last war.

"Colibri!" he said, jogging over to meet her. "Greetings. I haven't seen or smelled you around in a long while. How are you?" He had no idea what had happened to her or even what she was doing here. He was pleased to see his friend, but she seemed like she had seen better days.

~The lyrics are from the best song ever written.

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