Confusing Circumstances
Table by Frost.

OOC: 540 words

Lotus was still learning the ways of the world. He didn’t know the way all things worked. He was still learning. He was eager to learn at that. He didn’t even mind that he had been told that he was wrong. At least now he knew better and wasn’t likely to do it again. The plants had been picked for a reason and he understood that now. He had even been given the exact reason as to why the plants had to come out of the ground. They weren’t going to get any bigger than what they were right now. So they had to be taken while they were big. It didn’t exactly make sense to him. It lived out of the ground and if left in the ground it would die. But it had to start in the ground to live in the first place. He got it but he just didn’t understand the exact mechanics of it. It didn’t matter though. He now knew that once some plants, or these plants in particular, got big then they had to be taken out of the ground in order to be used.

“My name is Lotus.” He said in response to being called young one. He wasn’t upset about it though. It wasn’t her fault that she didn’t know his name when he hadn’t given it to her at the time. But now she had it to use. As he had spoken he had glanced back to look at her. The plants were left with the others just like the ones that he had found. “What is it!?” The excited question spilled forth from his mouth as he turned around to fully face the older wolf now that the plants were back in their right place. He was curious and eager to help. It would be another thing to prove to his Mommy that he was growing up to be a big girl. It would also end up turn out being a help to the tribe if done properly.

Lotus stretched out his neck to see the seeds that the other had picked up. He wasn’t exactly certain what they were used for. At least not until he was told. Still he didn’t see how something so small turned into something so big. He took her word for it though. “Okay!” He grinned happily and wagged his tail in eagerness. “What do we do first?” He had never planted anything before so he was completely uncertain of the first step. Still he was eager to be allowed to help out. It sounded like fun anyways. And it would be something to help everyone else. He would be a part in giving back to the tribe. What greater reward was there? It could even be considered to be following in his Mom’s footsteps. She might not be a medic or healer or anything dealing with plants but she still helped the tribe. After all the young lad wanted to be just like his Mommy. He wanted to make her proud of him. Maybe make his Daddy proud of him too so that he will come back home to live with his Mommy and him. That certainly would be a great accomplishment.


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