Back from her long trip

His thank you made her look at him, gauging the thank you. When the dark wolf added more to his thank you she smiled genuinely. "Really, you haven't been gifted before?" It threw her off. Her mother would always gift it, unknowingly to her, it was more of a way of her mother saying 'sorry' for the beatings, but it was a gift none-the-less. Her father gave her genuine gifts, as a way of being thankful for her existence and to show he cared. To her a gift was just a way of showing thankfulness, happiness, and signs of friendship. At times gifts showed more than that, like when her father gifted his mate. Trinkets that he was interested in her. Her tail continued to wag as her eyes met his, "Well, maybe I can get you other things...or you can join me to this city one time-if you would like?" She added her eyes filled with joy and interest.

Her ears layed back when he sighed, wondering if something was wrong when he crossed his arms. A small laugh came from her, "Yeah, I haven't...I believe this is your first time at my place too.." a meek smile shown on her features. "Is it around here? Or further from the main part of Phoenix?" Her eyes look around then back to his when she asked. She knew when growing up for awhile her and her father slept beneath the stars, then he found a community of dogs that accepted them in their area. It wasn't a pack...but more of a society of dogs. However, they then slept in a house structure, left by man. Much like the one she was in now. When he spoke she then figured it was a place with walls, which was a good thing. A place to hang the picture.

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