[M] Undisclosed Desires

Her nose buried itself into the soft fur of her chest, breathing deep with an eager hunger and a need for a new sort of relief. Her finger dove deeper, not just tracing the outskirts but working with the motions of Cambria’s hips and moving forward with not just her hand was her entire body. Ears heard the soft voice, Cambi’s breath crossing through the call of her name and speaking of the pleasure that she strove to provide.

Yet, the female wished for more. Her tongue lashed out against her flesh below the soft curve, the saltiness of her heated skin tasted once more. Mati pressed deeper, a digit becoming lost entirely in the burning folds of the younger female. Still she wanted more. Her heaving breaths, called her further and Mati slowly withdrew only to enter again. Cambria’s excitement easing the way and even drawing Mati deeper as she pulsed against the lone finger.

She felt so good against her, her soft fur becoming static with electricity and her warmth wrapped tightly around her. The Church fey leaned in closer, using her legs as she gathered a steady and slow rhythm to help her push further and deeper. Mati’s own breath came hurriedly and she felt her jaw grow slack, her tongues teasing of Cambria’s chest and stomach loosing momentum as she focused her efforts on the second finger that slipped so perfectly into the core of her lover. Straddled between her legs Mati couldn’t help but looked at the face of the female that she brought closer and closer to the bliss they she had felt hours before, desiring more then ever to create and witness it for the darker chocolate female.

Any notion of her hesitations before, were gone. Any second guessing, cautions that came and went with each new step that Mati face no longer existed. She had wondered once if this was love, hoped that it had been and then begun to crave her more then her lungs yearned for air. She began to understand that love was like a living breathing entity that they had created. A thing that her hesitations would kill. But now she did nothing but feed it, watching the looked on Cambia’s face was like watching it grow.

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