At last

I liked this post. ;~;

There was beauty in all of them. The silver-shaded hybrid saw pieces of herself reflected here in this face, and once more she marveled at how her family had ever expanded in such a fashion. When she was young, she had been the last—the last of the hybrid Lykois, the dirty scum her paternal family would have burned and scrubbed from the earth without second thought. Her father's tryst with Delphine should not have happened; Kaena herself should not have existed. Death had missed so many chances to take her, hanging her over his razor edge and dangling her over the abyss, yet she would always pull back and away from him, teasing him with her very soul. He would caress her face like a lover and leave a scar, a mark to remind her where she belonged, and he would fade away, whispering his someday-promises in her ear.

But now she had defied him in a new manner: she had created a family, an entire bloodline and breed of these hybrids, these monsters that never should have existed. She would live forever, and there was nothing he could do about it now. Her family would live for all eternity. “And you,” she said softly, responding to his second statement. “Your brother Mkhai and your sister Sepirah are here. What is your name? Are there more of you?” she asked, wondering when this flood of children might stop—if it never did, all the better for her. “Come, walk with me,” the coyote said, angling her body toward the heart of Inferni. He was her own, and he would never be turned away from this clan, not so long as she possessed the power to draw them in.

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