Saturday night and I've been saving
OOC: i had the birthday plague. sorries for the wait.

Perhaps you will need to show me it sometime the woman spoke to the golden male. Daisuke energetically nodded his head. Of course, of course, Lady Lolita! he had dropped the nickname of Miss Ghost because he felt like it was too unoriginal. Lady Lolita was better. It had her real name and then it also had the politeness of himself and other gentlemen that actually were polite (whom are often hard to find). As far as Daisuke meeting her again, Dai had a feeling that it would happen, just because Daisuke did like to track his friends down every once and awhile (Snake and Strel are the perfect examples of this) and when he felt like he wanted to talk to the ghost woman once more, he would more than likely either find her where she lives (in Dahlia by her scent) or track her to wherever else she tended to hang out. Perhaps he'd come back here, to her little house the she was sitting on the porch on with him, and perhaps she would be here. Maybe not. He wasn't able to predict the future you know.

I'm not a ghost. Just dead. the woman went on. Daisuke cocked a brow. But if that is what you want to call me, then by all means, kiddo. Go for it. she went on. Daisuke shrugged his shoulders. He didn't know what he wanted to do, and maybe he would fall back on calling her 'Miss Ghost' or maybe not. Depends on what he felt like saying at the moment in time. She went on to tell about how she had "died" by the hands of her brother. She also explained about how being dead sucks. Daisuke cocked his head. She also worried about her body decaying. He wondered why she would worry about that when she was dead. If you are dead...Then... Daisuke started, looking down at his hands, slightly confused. why do you have to worry about decaying? Wouldn't your body stay the same anyways? the male asked, his brows furrowing as his buzzed mind was almost completely confused at the moment. Time will still change you? Wouldn't that be a signal of you being alive?


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