Bright White Sunshine
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Great! ^^ Sorry this is short & sucks, just in a bit of a rush to get out the door. ><
Wc: 438~

Although she still remained on the defensive, it was clear that Ghita trusted the male somewhat, and relaxed. Her posture eased, and though she remained upright, Ghita decreased her effort to stand formally, and let her walking stick take most of her weight. Unable to not notice the pointed glace away from her injuries, the proud fae's ears twitched in annoyance and shame, the silver dancing off of the three hoop earrings in her ear.

Nodding as Vigilante spoke, she appreciated the politeness in his tone, letting the meaning of the words sink into the soil before her. She met his grin with her own, ivories revealed from ebony curtains as naturally as it could seem. "You're close, but not at the level of offense." Hopefully she'd be able to relieve his worry, and help the male on his way quickly. The longer she spent out without her pups the longer she stayed on edge slightly, wondering and worrying like any mother hen.

"Ask away then, I'm happy to answer." Unaware that Cour des Miracles even had a new King, the fae bit her tongue to keep from prying. It was certainly a pack matter, something she wouldn't intrude on. Ghita would trust Vigilante to do the same, the fae certain that she would keep her pack's secrets within the pack. Even as she was Savina's sister, at times she couldn't help but overhear some of the difficulties Crimson Dreams faced. None of those secrets would go astray, however. Not today. Not by her lips.

Gritting her teeth that she'd forgotten to introduce herself, Ghita made an effort to remedy that quickly. "Ah. Right. I'm Ghita Marino." She had never been the diplomatic one; Savina always had the nose for manners and customs to give. Then again, the fae was unsure if she should even call Vigilante something else, along the lines of 'King' or 'Your Majesty'. In the end, she decided against it, content to just use first names. That's what she'd want in the reversal of roles, anyways.

Hearing Mati's name mentioned caused a soft smile to settle across her face. "I know Mati well, she's a family friend of ours. I knew Princess Chance briefly before she left, but I'm not sure I met Haven Aattee. You see, I've had my comings and goings with pack life." Only touching on the fact for a brief moment, Ghita's history was laid out for Vigilante to see. However, as soon as she realized this, the fae could only hope that he'd have the class to not bring up the past and open up Ghita's old wounds.


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