I wonder
Baby I've been here before

May I join? Coyote is pronounced Kai-yote, no ee on the end, for this post.

I know this room, I've walked this floor

Hanna had been downwind of even the Inferni member and caught whiffs of the intermingling pack and clan mixed with the acrid smell of blood from some little creature. She moved cautiously around the back of the house, tracking the Inferni hybrid. Once inside, she assessed the situation, which was at a standstill before quietly following the fox kit. She found it huddled between a toilet and the bathtub and gently scruffed it to secure it. As Naniko had already ascertained, it was bleeding from one paw, a small pool of blood having gathered around its red fur and dark tail. Hanna withdrew a clean linen from her satchel, which was slung over her right shoulder and made a makeshift bandage from it, winding it around the back left paw where the blood was dripping onto her pelt. She tucked the baby into her bag and clasped it, then left it closed in the bathroom so she could assist her packmate.

Slipping quietly back into the main room, Hanna loosed both her knives, which were around eight inches long and three inches wide at the widest point, and approached Gabriel's back in an effort to gain the element of surprise. As she neared his back, she withdrew her knives completely and, raising hackles and baring her fangs, spoke to the male. I strongly suggest you step away from my packmate, Coyote, else this breath be your last. One knife was turned to a stabbing position, while the other remained in a position to slash.


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