Entering Into the Light (J)
Short, straight, and to the point. He wasn't sure yet if that was a good thing or not, but... Feh! It gave him no thinking room. If he were in her position, he would do the same thing though. He carefully sniffed the air, getting a feel for the lands of the Crimson Dream pack. Was it time for him to settle down? At least for a while? It had been quite some time since he had been in a pack. He let his tongue roll back and forth before sitting abruptly on his haunches. The muscles in his hind legs were still taunt, ready to release at any given moment. The situation still was not resolved, even if her tone was at a normal level. He wasn't one to second guess himself, so he needed to either be all in or ready to run.

The gray eyes floated around the area, soaking in the sights while his sensitive hearing picked up the music of this land.

"Yes, I would like to join your pack."

The wolf finally relaxed fully, slowly dropping his body to the ground in submission, but kept his eyes on her. He never liked submitting to anyone, let alone a wolf he had just met, but he had a feeling he would like it here. The pros of the situation over weighed the cons. Now he just hoped she had need of a fighter. He was a good hunter and a good all around wolf, for the most part, but he excelled in fighting. If this land was as peaceful as it seemed, he might be out of a job...

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