When the stars fell, I knew it to be the end

Rowan looked up at this creature that approached him. 'This must be one of the leaders,' he thought. He cleared his throat and took a deep breath, preparing himself for any rejection coming his way. "Well, then I have come to the right place," he answered, neglecting to add the 'hopefully' he said in his mind. "I wish to join your pack, if that's alright. I've been traveling for quite some time looking for a new home, and I feel like the AniWaya pack would be right for me." Rowan studied this female, noting the way she spoke and the way her body movements reflected it. She seemed very empowered and strong-willed, much like a warrior.

'I wonder if my mother was like this; independent and able to make decisions for herself.' Rowan disregarded this thought and shook his head, rattling his brain to shake out the thoughts of his mother. The past stays in the past and doesn't belong in the future was what he has tried to stick by his whole life. So why has he all of a sudden started thinking about his mom? Nevertheless, Rowan was able to remove the thoughts from his head and focus and trying to gain access into the pack. He put his attention back on the female wolf. "My name is Rowan Kokoro. Can I assume that you are one of the leaders of this pack?"

Image from Iamidaho.
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