When the stars fell, I knew it to be the end

She had been faced with a newcomer just a few days prior to this, Laika, and had accepted the female into the pack. Ember liked many of the duties that came with being a leader, and this was one of the things that she particularly enjoyed. She liked getting to meet the newcomer and find out a bit about their story, about why they had come to AniWaya. Each wolf had their own reason for coming to join the tribe.

The dark wolf examined him as he spoke to her, keeping her eyes sharp. He seemed tentative in his actions and in his tone of voice. She watched carefully for any signs of aggression, keeping one hand trained on the hilt of her sword. As he spoke more she relaxed a little, letting her arm fall to her side. "I see. Ember Phoenix is m'name...and you've got that right, about me bein' one of th' leaders. I'd like ta ask you a few questions, though, before I allow you t' come inside my lands. What sort of skills do you have that might benefit our tribe?" She asked.


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