Entering Into the Light (J)
Feeling the tension drop like a weight from his shoulders made Caedres realize just how tense he had been. He nodded his head slightly as she talked about the politics of her lands, knowing that peace was the whole purpose of a guardian. He wasn't the type to seek bloodshed, but he wouldn't step down from it either. From the sounds of it this Alpha Female had a plateful on her mind. Well, if it meant a place to stay and food, it was well worth it. He didn't mind hunting, it just wasn't what he excelled at.

As she answered his question he knew that the pack was like any other: a family unit. Like she said, it may not all be by blood, but it was as close as it could get. And he knew she added the part about trouble in specifically for his benefit. A not-so-subtle warning, but he got the point and understood. The territory she owned sounded relatively large and free, which was perfect for a pack. It sounded like a good area with defensible points in case of emergencies. He would have to run the borders to see everything for himself of course and probably make a map... the first thing about that he would have to find out is see if she had any cartographers in the pack... but he would worry about that later. When she finished, he bowed his head slightly once more before speaking.

"Well met, Commander Marino. I hope I can perform up to your expectations and higher."

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