I will save you.

They came, the memories, just like he knew they would if he got to talking. Detached as he was from most of it now, he still hated the images that floated around in his head. His words made everything real, even if it had never really been. They could be false memories, implanted by the monster in his head, or no -- the truth was really that whether or not anything had actually happened didn't matter. His perception was that he knew they had, and that was that. In a manner of speaking, Laruku had not actually been conscious for Ire's death, but he could still remember every breath and every drop of blood, the taste of it, and of the meat. The cackling was there in his mind again. He would have been more surprised if it hadn't been.

And he didn't bother wondering why or how Melisande knew anything of the only real relationship he had ever been in. They all been in the same pack at some point, long ago, so there's that. Tsunami tried to kill me. Should have killed me, he told her rather matter-of-factly, half-shrugging and generally unconcerned. He touched the gash over his throat and continued. Maybe I was jealous. I don't know. He should have never met me; he would have been happier that way. And his kid would be alive.

Laruku eyed the wolfess again, finally forcing a strange smile. I'm glad you don't know what it's like. I hope you never know.


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