when your dreams have become good

OOC: Short but sweet ^^ oh and love that table!!!

When the awkward silence was broke by Markisha’s introduction, Lili’s face lit up, A ship, Liliana had never been on a ship let alone a boat, this excited her because she’d heard a few stories from some of the coastal packs, how they came on ship or boat, or how they watched them , but because they were so few Liliana never got to see any of them, her parents never went to the coasts, and she never saw any near AniWaya’s waters. This excited her greatly, but she kept the questions she had in the back of her mind to answer the pretty wolf’s question.

I do live near here actually, I live in the pack of AniWaya,

She said, she was a bit excited to ask about the boats but made herself quiet, she tended to scare anyone off with her easy to excite nature.

I have never been on a ship before, how do they move, and how far away did you come? I actually have no idea where that place is honestly, I’ve never seen anything

She stated, her parents never really owned any maps they were both illiterate, making Liliana just the same, she couldn’t read much less understand what a map had on it. So she would have been clueless when she saw one.

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