Press my face to the ground
Baby I've been here before

I know this room, I've walked this floor

The female smiled gently. I'll head on while you eat, then, Melisande, I'm sure you might remember where Bellus' den was? It's not far from Laruku's; that's where I'll be. She tarried only a moment before racing off toward her new den. She settled herself on the ground and began to shift herself, lengthening her arms and legs, switching her knees, and forming digits on her paws. The process didn't take long, and Hanna entered her den to start on the tea. She knew she didn't have long to get everything finished, so she wasted no time in getting a fire started with the old flint and steel she'd received from her brother's pack. A pot of clean snow was suspended over it to melt down, while Hanna dug some lavender and rose hips out of her herb pack as well as ginger root, spearmint, chamomile, lemon balm, peppermint and red raspberry leaves. The first was for her own and her niece's brew, while the other was a medicine she'd heard somewhere between her homeland and 'Souls land that was good for morning sickness. The Storm female had described the opening stages of pregnancy as she'd heard it from others, and Hanna figured it would help.

Wrapping all but the lavender and rose hips into a large piece of cheesecloth she'd found and boiled repeatedly to clean, she dropped the sachet into the water, which was boiling, and soon removed the pot by its wooden handles to let the concoction steep. The water turned a pleasing golden color, and Hanna placed the pot on some heated rocks to keep the tea warm. She repeated the process with the lavender and rose hips, heating more stones while she was at it, and then stood outside the warm den, looking the way she'd come, trying to see the pair of ivory wolves against the snow.


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