face down
>> Sorry guys. I'm grounded and I've been pretty stressed out lately.[html]

The child sat back, straightening his spine out and puffing his chest out in a sort of awkward way, though it wasn't particularly out of pride. In fact, Andre was attempting to look taller, more impressive, more responsible, because there was nothing worse to the scheming little bastard than being talked down to. Of course, neither the impressive creamy wolf, whom Andre was beginning to wonder about more and more, or the golden coyote had said anything to him that would be at all condescending, but he didn't want to give them a reason to, either. His eyes remained fixed firmly upon the steely eyes of Tamerlane, shifting only to the dark tattoos and markings in the fur, before they went back to the eyes.

Faolin's a idi't, he stated simply, eyes narrowing in a feline manner at the pair of adults. He was almost daring them to oppose him, so that he may throw his anger in their faces and stalk away, striking them unworthy of his presence. Somehow, he believed that they would feel offended by the distaste of the prince and would help him to overthrow the clan if he threw a tantrum at them, but deep in his cunning mind, he knew they would probably care less for the antics of the child who would, one day, wear the blood of wolves and coyotes alike on his toes. More wolves, though; only coyotes who stood against him.


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