hey princess, you're ready for greatness.
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Ah, Shannon I'm SO SORRY for taking this long. I didn't see that you had replied Sad(( Oh, and a LEADER should jump in and tell Halo to sodd off XD <3 300+

They were no longer children and no longer friends. Halo had not changed much, though she was much bitterer than she once had been. Zana had doubtless changed as well, but the young woman did not bother to investigate such trivial matters. She did not want the little traitor rat inside the borders, no fucking way. She was a tiny freak of nature, and though she had once found a good home here that she did not deserve, she had chosen to discard it as if it meant nothing to her, and now Halo wanted to make her understand that she was nothing to the clan. People could not fucking choose to serve the clan on and off. The hybrid could easily worship those worthy of it. Hell, she had some kind of respect for Hybrid no matter how much she despised the guy. He was a bastard, but a loyal one, and that made all the difference in the world.

The little filth dared to snap at her, and Halo’s fingers twitched as they longed to draw forth the sharp metal and punish the insolent creature. Teeth flashed warningly and Halo’s heated temper flared brightly now, and plain for all to see. ”You think you can pick and choose as you see fit?” the warrior spat defiantly and spat at the ground before Zana. Halo too was born in the gray wastelands between two worlds. There was no Sadira in her blood, but the Soul blood tied her to the disgusting wolf family. But no, she had remained loyal to the side she had chosen. She was bitter and broken, yes, but hell, she had remained loyal and proved to all that she was a Lykoi by blood and heart and soul as much as any other family member blessed with a heavier coyote percentage.

”I would have remained loyal to my clan!” the Hydra growled with a voice drowning with venom. ”Where were you when Haku Soul and his nasty gang of mutts set fire to our home and killed our members? You chose the wolves!” the woman raged, furious to have the little wolf bitch before her try to understand treason. ”You chose your side and I don’t want to see your stinky wolf hide here ever again!” There. Halo took a step forward—eager to threaten the smaller girl.

Table credit : Chelsie(Ásmundr)[/html]

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