like a river runs to the sea
Pendzez heard the words of Japanese spoken from his mate's mouth. He was so happy that she spoke, even though it was one word, in a different language. He didn't want his over excitement to get the better of him as he was currently being a teacher. He was a fighter, a poet, a singer, a spiritual wolf, a, as Ty would say, husband, and a father. He was certainly proud to teach someone a language that no one else would be able to speak. "Very good. Now, お元気ですか? O. Gen. Ki. Desu. Ka. O genki desu ka?. How are you?"

Pendzez followed as she broke her sight from him to look at the mansion. He gazed at the building, remembering the last time he went there. It was with DaVinci, the former Pundit. It was an interesting experience. He smiled as he said, "The last I was here was with DaVinci. You remember him, right?" It was that male wolf that let her into the pack, but it has been a while, maybe she did forget him, but he knew she would.

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