Bright White Sunshine
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Sorry this took a while! My exams are done now, so I'm back!
Wc: 505~

"And likewise." Courtesy ran in the Marino family, Savina's pull to it seeming the strongest. It wasn't that Ghita didn't know how to be polite, just that she didn't know why. Sure, there were some scenarios where Ghita's brain (it's somewhere in there) kicked in and told her to be polite, but most of the time she was just who she was. Without courtesy where it wasn't due, or any false expectations. Ghita was who she was, no bones about it.

She could feel his gaze lingering on her battered and foreign leg, the stare practically making her leg itch under her brace. She was grateful that Vigilante had the class not to ask, but still, that didn't help her feelings. She was ashamed to seem so helpless, so useless. Especially in front of someone from a differing pack... This was not the first image of Crimson Dreams she wanted to present.

Her respect for the male rose considerably as the time wore on, listening to what he said. Perhaps in another time, another place, they could be good friends. If Vigilante wasn't tied up with leader duties. It'd be nice, she thought, but unlikely, and she had accepted that long ago, with others.

"They are both wonderful wolves. I hope they're okay." Nodding, she took in the details with some surprise, wondering how a canine that was so new to a pack could rise to leadership so quickly. Needless to say, she was impressed. Shifting her weight from her good leg to her walking stick, she moved her body, stretching out the muscles that connected it to prevent them from clenching up and cramping. "Alright, that sounds like a fair enough trade." she stated, nodding her head. Biting her lip, she found herself asking the question she was loathe to ask, only more proof of her weakness. "Do you mind if I sit? It might take some time."

Lowering herself awkwardly to the ground, the fur connected with the ground with a small 'thump' to clear the distance. As soon as the leg wasn't the sole means of her balance, the grace that was usually associated with the brown-and-gray fae returned. The chestnut hair tumbled down her back like the sea, and her walking stick lay like a lapdog beside her. "Well, our leader is Savina Marino - my sister, and her right-hand wolf is Anu. I'm sure you'll meet one or the other soon enough."

Her sister was a social enough creature, it only seemed like a matter of time before the two crossed paths. But having explained the obvious, there wasn't much more that Ghita could drag to mind. "We have different ranks for our young, depending on what skills they show from the start. That might indicate what co-rank a wolf could take on in later years. For instance, I'm training to be a courser - the main hunter and the one who tracks the herds that moves through our territories. We don't really have any special ceremonies, particularly. Anything else I can tell you?"


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