Back from her long trip

Her head had turned as he began his nervous chatter. Her ears went back halfway as she listened intently to his words, her eyes narrowed in confusion as her lids squinted, "...what?" She exclaimed not quite getting it, "Hold're wondering if someone felt something for someone?...Okay, why don't you go ask that someone, but first you have to tell them what something you're wondering about or they will be as confused as me." She laughs. She didn't understand what he was talking about, he was being sillier than usual, that was for sure.

She laughed lightly turning her head back at the stars, "I don't know what your being nervous about, are you the one interested in this someone?" Her eyes glanced over to him, she wondered just who it would be, "Is it Poniac?" She asked casually. She didn't know anyone else that he would have talked to other than her, however, she didn't know many of the other Phoenix Valley members though.

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