Back from her long trip

OOC: And so it begins?

Domonick's face was burning, he never thought he could feel this embarrassed and nervous. He took a heavy breathe and smiled awkwardly. He quickly looked up at Adonia, his ears perked up, "I..yes, yes I'm sure. I've kinda..remember when we first met?" he swallowed and chuckled, "Every since then I kinda...felt something for you. I didn't want to say anything because...well I didn't want to seem a fool, like I probably seem right now." his ears laid back slightly, he looked at the ground, smiling slightly to himself.

I know that I may not the greatest wolf here, but I..well I can't think of a reason to argue on my side." he scratched his head nervously. You messed up Domonick, she is gonna think that you are a complete idiot. His face continued to burn. He felt stupid, hoping that she would return his feelings, but he honestly felt like she wouldn't. He couldn't think of a single reason she should, there were better wolves in the pack from her to choose from, plenty of others. Nothing singled him out from the rest, nothing that made him stand out among a crowd, he was just another average wolf in his eyes.

He looked up at Adonia, his ears perked just slightly. "I'm-I'm sorry if that was stupid of me to say, I just...I just wanted to tell you..just tell you that I liked than just a friend.." he looked away to the sky, his ears laid flat against his head.

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