[Leader plz] Yeah I'm a Selfish Bastard

I'm setting this for after he meets with Strelein? 300+

The morning had been fairly awkward, considering everything that his mate had told him that she had walked in on her brother doing with Strelein, and then the impromptu visit from the male. Vigilante felt that Zafier and Strelein were free to do whatever it was that they pleased—and it seemed they certainly did—but it had been strange trying to console his mate because she had unexpectedly come across her brother in a romantic embrace, and not only that, but with another man. As far as he knew, she had not had any suspicions that her brother was interested in men prior to finding him with one. That was probably the part that had surprised (and upset?) her the most.

After the Baron had left his house, the caramel-colored King had taken off, secui form moving swiftly through the pack's territory as he ran for the pure sake of running. He had not known what else to do with himself, and he felt as though it had been ages since he had pushed his body to its limits. Admittedly, those limits were hard to push. He had always been kept in immaculate shape for his profession, and that had not changed, even after he had altered his lifestyle. The King would not allow himself to become lazy or unfit, not for anything.

Ears twitched as a howl sounded, the voice unfamiliar. The influx of strangers at the borders had not seemed to end yet. He headed in that direction, paws beating steadily on the ground. Before he could see them, he could smell that there were two there, a member of his pack and a stranger with a very faintly similar scent. "Hello," he said amicably as he approached. He could sense that there was a bit of tension in the air, perhaps anticipated because of the fact that the two males seemed a bit at odds with one another. "I am Vigilante Haskel, King of Cour des Miracles. Is there something I can do for you?" The introduction was, of course, for the stranger. Though not well, he knew Anatoliy.

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