.can't kill a man when he's dead
Styx Kirr-Calatoerio

Falling in the black

Slipping through the cracks

There. To his left. Styx's nostrils flared wildly and his eyes pinpointed the approaching form within seconds. His ears pricked forwards with interest, the figure was still hard to make out....but it was moving awfully fast....and the gait was...off. Styx's ears flattened against his skull and his eyes grew wide with fright. This wasn't....couldn't be a wolf. It walked on two legs and wore.....things...at it's....midsection. And it had.....long paws that moved with unnatural elegance, paws that had an excrescence sprouting from the sides closest to the beast's torso. Naive mister Styx had no knowledge of thumbs. Styx thought he was going to be sick, the thing was descending on him, he lowered himself to the ground, tucking his bushy tail under him until it touched his underbelly. His pink tongue slipped from his muzzle to run over his nose nervously.

It spoke to him. He could understand it as well as any normal wolf he'd ever met. "Wha....what are you....?" He forced the inquiry from his throat, accompanied by a frightened growl. Styx was in total defense mode. His hackles stood on end but he was clearly not displaying aggression. No, the male was simply scared senseless. Poor helpless Styx.

Falling to the depths can I ever go back?


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