You float like a feather

Nodding, Skoll inhaled deeply, shifting his position to allow for greater lung capacity, and released a long and low howl for Pilot. Storm was undermanned, and he was hoping that Pilot would have no quarrels with allowing Colibri entry into the pack. Not only did he hope to have another friend in Storm to talk with, but it was also an issue of Storm's social influence. In a perfect world, size wouldn't matter, but until the world became perfect, more members meant a greater ability to defend pack borders and interests.

It was sad to see Colibri in this state, but he hoped that through Storm she would find solace. It had worked wonders before. It had turned him, a hardened and embittered, volatile warrior, into someone who could be reasoned with and who could in turn reason with re-awakened a part of him that had gone dormant after the Four Pack War, or perhaps that had never been fully developed in the first place. It had done even better for HawkWind, or had he been VoidFane at the time? Either way, the monster inside had been content in Storm, had known inner quiet, and given its host peace while he lived there.

"I hope you can join us," he said quietly, as the echoes of his howl resounded throughout the Storm territory.

~The lyrics are from the best song ever written.

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