hide your feathers on the back porch

Sorry for the delay. In all honesty I thought I had replied to this long ago. I'm such a ding-bat sometimes. lol

The tiny, cinnamon-streaked pup loved her father. He was one of the strongest, smartest people she knew. Of course, so was mama, but Parker considered her father be at least a bit stronger than mama. Whether he was smarter or not, Parker didn't care in the slightest. She loved her parents a lot, and knew that they would protect her no matter what. The tears welling up in her golden orbs threatened to spill over as she sought her father's reassurance. He hadn't quite noticed her yet, and was still looking out the window at the dark sky.

The moment her dad turned and saw her, Parker's fear drastically diminished. Daddy knew she was here and he was without a doubt ready to keep her safe. He picked her up gently and spun her around, something she greatly enjoyed, as most children do. She could not help but smile, thus banishing her fear and tears along with it. It was indeed impossible to be sad or upset when one was smiling. She touched noses with her father, her white-tipped tail wagging behind her happily. What came next was music to Parker's ears. She loved to here her parents speak. Whether it was her mother's Italian accent or her father's deeper tones, she just loved to hear their voices. They spoke so clearly, rarely with slip-ups or difficulties like her siblings. She wanted to be able to talk like they did. Perhaps that was one of the reasons that kept her from talking. The sunshine pup did not think about talking much herself, but when she did she just wasn't confident in her abilities yet. It would take some time for her to finally come out of her shell and speak. By then, she knew she would be ready.

The comforting words did more to send Parker's fears fleeing and she listened, eager to learn what he had to say about the loud noise. So it was just part of the storm? It just came along with the heavy rain? That made sense, even to her immature intellect. The fact that it came after the bright light, which she now knew was lightning, was somewhat more confusing. Why did it have to come after? Why not before? Her brow furrowed quizzically as she pondered such questions, golden orbs staring up at the sky where her father pointed. The bright flash came, and Parker readied herself mentally just in time for the loud 'ka-ka-boom' to echo through the air. She jumped a little, bright eyes blinking repeatedly from the bright flash of lightning, but she found herself unscathed. Once her vision had fixed itself, Parker could not help but smile and wag her tail in pride at her accomplishment. With her father's help she had withstood the terrifyingly loud thunder! Daddy was awesome. He'd told her what the noise was, knowing it would make it all better. He really was super smart!

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