Behind this masquerade we hide...
Cool! Thanks - I've updated my other post with the word count. And don't worry too much about yours not being as long, I just realized how big my font is compared to yours. Also, I'm not sure if this really makes sense Tongue 500+

Intrigued by the bundles of hay with their strange scent and appearance, Enya hesitantly edged closer. She knew that it would not attack her, but what if it was sharp? Or poisonous? Hesper however, did not seem the slightest bit deterred from the curious bundle but instead dove into it head first and disappeared. Enya let out what would have been a frightened cry had she had a voice, but it came out as a hoarse rasping. Not thinking twice, she dove in as well and the bale collapsed beneath her wait scattering all over the floor. Out rolled a dazed looking Hesper who then shook himself and resumed his exploration of the barn.

Suddenly, Enya heard a voice. Turning around, another wolf stood at the barn entrance. How had Enya not heard him come in? She must have been to preoccupied with saving Hesper from the threatening bale of hay. Now however she stood, eyes wide slowly taking steps back towards Hesper. Hesper - a surprisingly good judge of character - rolled out in front of Enya (He always preferred rolling to walking - it was a lot less effort) and confronted the other wolf. Hesper gazed at him with a critical expression which, in reality, was rather comical. After a moment he must have made up his mind because he got to his feet and toddled happily towards the other wolf.

A few moments after the wolf's next words, Enya nodded tightly. He didn't appear to be a threat and if Hesper trusted him... She warily watched him, all the possible threats that he could be were whirling around in her mind. What if he wasn't from Crimson Dreams? What if he was a murderer? Her coal coloured eyes didn't meet his. She kept them on his body, watching for any suspicious movements. That was another thing she had been taught by her mother. She had been taught to use her speed and runt-like frame to her advantage in fighting. She had learned to read the other opponent - although it had only ever been her mother who she had fought; her mother had always won.

Immediately, something else occurred to her. This wolf, whoever he was, had come so close to seeing her reals self. He had almost caught her in an act of... impulse. That wasn't the way she wanted to be viewed. She didn't want the other wolves to know her anymore than she wanted to know them. She would rather they see the wolf that she pretended to be. Many, might hear her sad past and think that she wished for a loving family but she didn't. Having no idea who to be around other people, would be a great hinderance were she to be surrounded by a family. Not being able to react sincerely to emotions, but rather reacting how she should act wasn't normal. Growing up with a family would have alienated her farther although, ironically, that was exactly what she was aiming to do.


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