Back from her long trip

OOC: Oh dear god, this post sucks so much ;-; I'm sorry for it being so short.

Domonick's ears perked up instantly, a smile on his face. A small knot in his stomach still hung there, but not because of nerves, well not fully, but rather of happiness. He looked at Adonia, "I-I, I've never gotten this far in my head." he chuckled nervously, "I mean, I thought you would say no. This, wow." He smiled the same smile, his breathing under control again, his ears still perked. The burning was slightly starting to fade from his nose.

His tail wagged, his eyes brightened up as he continued to l
ook at Adonia, "I'm surprised that you returned my feelings. I really never thought that you would say yes. It's..great. Domonick scratched his head and chuckled. I guess Jefferson was right, I'm predictable. he thought to himself. He let out a small laugh, "At the barn, when Jefferson said that he..well you remember, I guess he was right, I wonder what he would have to say about this?"

Domonick looked up at the stars, a smile still plastered on his face, "You know, I never thought that Phoenix Valley would be the place to find someone." he added under his breath, "A place of rebirth I guess."

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