May I Join?
As Reverent sat there looking at the female she was unsure of what to do. Then the female let out a snarl that scared her to the core. She had locked her muscles to try and show strength. She waited to see if her next option would be death. When she spoted the female's back return to it's original spot her muscles relaxed but a mere fraction. She contuinued to wait, to see if the female wolf would speak to her. The sun moved and was now hovering over the two females. Reverent was unsure of what she would do. She had never encountered another wolf before. She had only the company of her dead brother, Asthen. As Reverent continued to look at the female she thought of her mother. How she had layed down on her back before a male she had never seen before. Reverent thought for a moment. She looked back up at the female. She the realized that had been mistaken, she had ignored the thought of herself not presenting her belly to this female. Reverent then realized how much of a mistake she had made. In the midst of her thoughts the female spoke, her voice was strong and authorative in Reverent's mind. The authorative female had told her that she had laked respect for Dahlia de Mai's pack, and that if she learned such a thing they would possibly welcome Reverent. At the news Reverent lowered her head. She had realized her mistake and hoped that she could prove herself. Reverent looked to the authorative female, but she had not made eye contact, instead Reverent lowered her ears and head. She then touched earth and fur together to present her soft underbelly to the female. Reverent had known that this female with one swipe could surley end her life of lonlynes. Reverent then spoke in a low and non-threatening voice. "I do not wish to threaten the authority of your pack." Reverent looked twoard the sky."I will not show disrespect to the Dahlia de Mai. I wish to join and learn, and to run with the pack of family and friends." Reverent then waited for the respone of the female who was now in control of Reverent's future of survivial.

Thank you so much for taking the time to do this with me & for the offer of
helping me with my entries & for telling me about the 200 minimum word
posts! I try to get on as much as I can to check and see if there is a response
to this joining thread. ^-^ Again, thank you!

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