
He was a rover, and hadn't known a home for some time. Kansas remembered the few months in his life wherein he'd been an aimless wanderer himself, though he'd remained alone at that time of his own choosing. It had been easy for him to return — he'd had a home waiting for him, easily handed right back to him. Inuki was alone because he wasn't accepted, apparently, which Kansas did not understand. There was too much prejudice in the world, judgment based on species. He saw no difference between himself and the hybrid before him. You won't be judged here, he spoke encouragingly. Crimson Dreams is open to anyone... eh, it's not like Inferni, the coyote clan north of here.

After he spoke, he was asked what would be needed to join Crimson Dreams, but gave Kansas no time to answer. Indeed, Inuki answered his own question, meriting a cocked brow from the Sadira wolf. Meteorology? he interjected softly, extremely curious. He awaited the conclusion of the other's speech, nodding with a welcoming smile. The skills he'd named were not what Kansas expected to hear. However, they told of Inuki's uniqueness. It was important to have a wide variety of skills in a pack — everyone brought their talents to the table. That's good enough for me, he said with a shrug. He assumed that the man knew other basic skills, such as hunting, or else he would not have made it alone so long. Unfortunately... I can't accept you myself. I have to get my mate, Savina, to come to us. With another swoosh of his tail, Kansas threw his maw skyward and emitted his beckoning song. The last note ended, and the boy returned his turquoise gaze to his new acquaintace. Where did you come from? They might as well talk while they awaited the sable-furred leader. The man had captured Kansas' interest.

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