
The Sadira male shook his head firmly at the other's doubt. Crimson Dreams operated on a foundation of compassion and love, not power and violence. This could be attributed to its leaders, the serene Anu and the bighearted, strong Savina. Kansas hoped that Inuki would learn this and come to love Crimson Dreams as much as he did. Already the boy was certain Savina would accept him.

Inferni doesn't allow canines of less than half coyote heritage past its borders. Be, eh, just be careful if you're ever nearby, he warned with a shrug. The place he spoke of was, in his mind, dangerous and mysterious. He hoped that Inuki would heed his warning.

The pale hybrid explained Meteorology to Kansas, whose interest was still fully piqued. Eyes grew steadily larger with the knowledge Inuki shared, how one could judge what Nature would bring through this new art. Apparently, nimals spoke with him too, sharing what they knew of the weather. Later on, I'd love to learn more... he said in awe. There was no more time for conversing about Inuki's wonderful skill, for with a whiff of the gentle breeze, Kansas knew Savina was near. Seconds later she had appeared, a beautiful spectacle in the golden rays of the sun. The snowy wolf grinned toward her, unable to stop himself from giving her a lick on the cheek in return for her loving greeting. Inuki introduced himself, to which Kansas paid his full attention, lifting a brow at the mention of Atlanta, so far to the South. To answer his mate's question, Kansas recalled all that Inuki had shared with him and did his best to relay. Inuki was shunned for his dog blood... He wants to have a home that... that accepts him, he spoke in his soft way. And along with his basic skills, he knows of meteorology and wortcunning. Doesn't that sound... good? he couldn't help but add, smiling to both.

I told him that Crimson Dreams won't treat him badly for being part dog.

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