I wonder

you calm the storms, and you give me rest... [ooc]

I'd rather not have a fight. We should turn this into an angry hunting thread. Edit: xD Probably not the fox kit, though. Nani wants to save it >_>;; She's such a loserrr.

[bic] ...you hold me in your hands, you won't let me fall.

They had to think this through rationally. It was true that there were two wolves there and only one Gabriel...but that didn't mean that he was outnumbered. Not by a long shot. Naniko had gotten into fights with coyotes before, on more than one occasion. Faolin had done a number on her leg, and she hadn't forgotten the pain of it. She didn't even like fighting, not even when she was provoked.

This wasn't how she had meant for things to go...not like it was. Before she realized what was happening Hanna was behind the stranger, a blade out. This situation wasn't nearly serious enough to warrant behavior like that! She did want to help the fox, but at the same time she knew that the animal was considered to be prey.

"Wait...I know you..." He was the one that had helped her when she was younger. She had fallen into a paint bucket, and he'd picked her up and washed most of it off. "Hanna, stand down. And for heaven's sake...put that thing away." The Alesterin raised her eyebrows at Gabriel, taking two definite steps backwards. "I don't want any trouble, Gabriel. If you'll let us take the fox back to Clouded Tears to treat it, I'm sure that we can work something out with you."


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