It wasn't long before Audaria heard the faint hoofbeats of an approaching stranger. The sound of the hard hooves hitting the terrain was far stranger than the soft padding of paws, yet curiosity kept her rooted in place. The beast approaching was one fabled creature that she has heard much of but has almost to no contact with. The wolf man had very distinct characteristics of both creatures; the erect disposition of a man mingled with the facial features and fur covering of a wolf. It was easy to start at one end and claim the differences between man and wolf, but as the judgement became more critical, the defined line became more blurry. The combination could not be called unattractive for different seemed to be a better fitted word. The parts of his body seemed to fit into place as if mother nature herself thought out this model. Truthfully Audaria expected more of a mutinous creation compared to Frankeinstein's lab, but was happily found wrong.

As the man-wold was now at her feet Audaria caught herself staring at him. It wasn't the scornful disapproving stare that I'm sure he has witnessed, but more a sense of awe and curiosity. She focused her eyes more on the whole being as opposed to the finer details and caught him speaking. His voice flowed elegantly to her ears and she nodded her head in greeting. Audaria remained seated and calm although the beat of her heart exclaimed excitement. As her jaws split apart, her very soft yet clear voice rang into the spring's breeze, "Good afternoon sir, my name is Audaria and I am currently a wanderer of these lands. I seek a land to call home and creatures to call family." She ended her sentence, delivering what was asked.

The wind picked up slightly and sent his scent into her nostrils. What a bizarre smell he carried. She wondered many things while waiting for his reply. How do the wolf-men live? Are there normal wolves in their pack? Do they eat the horses or is it solitarily a companionship? She hoped that there would be more like her, but was definitely up for some differences. Life is always an journey, the only thing that matters is adventure along the way.

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