Merry Melodies

So sorry for the delay, been busy and super lazy. Hard tobelieve that I am off for summer, have all the time in the world and am so behind in my threads. I am making a change starting today

The silver and ivory collie woman continued to meticulously groom her pale, dappled steed as she listened to Anann's words. Ruri could not imagine living where there was no ocean, being completely landlocked. Of course, this was because she had grown up around it, but the thought of growing up differently just seemed so strange to her. "Well Anann, we'll have to see if we can do something about that. The ocean is one of the best things in the world, especially on a hot summer day. Maybe we could go swimming sometime too," she replied, extending yet another offer for a friendly get together. Ruri was booking her entire summer schedule and the season had barely started. That was just the way the innocent, friendly girl liked things, though, busy and full of fun. The way she figured it, the more fun she was having with her friends the less of a chance she would have to get upset about anything, which didn't happen often. This was merely a precaution of sorts.

"I suppose you could say getting your sea legs is like getting used to balancing on a horse. Balance is balance after all. With so much experience on a horse, you'd probably do just fine on a boat or ship," the Dauphine explained. In all truth, walking around on most ships wasn't hard to get used to. Most of them had some sort of railing to steady oneself while getting used to sailing. At the offer to ask any question she felt like Ruri had just finished brushing Stark with her current brush. Knowing that there were other brushes for different tasks Ruri turned towards Anann's voice, "What brush do I use next? Oh and why don't you tell me about where you're from? I'm sort of bad at asking lots of question so I'll try to think of a few more," she giggled, milky blue eyes dancing around, occasionally making eye contact with Anann if only for a millisecond. She was usually better at making conversation, but trying to talk while learning to groom her horse was more difficult than one might think.

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