I was wondering If a Mentor Was Available?
Another way to improve your writing can be by looking through the RP Guide :3 We have an article on grammar which is pretty helpful, and the general writing article has some suggestions on writing comfortable post lengths. The improvement article might also help you out.

Some things that work for me are:
  • Read your post back to you, either in your head or aloud. Sometimes I notice I write weird things when I am super excited to post, but don't slow down enough.
  • Find someone else's post that you really liked and analyze it. What did they do? How did they introduce the thread? Where is the break between thoughts and actions? Is it a smooth transition?
  • Identify your weak spots. Do you write too much action without a back-story? Or do you discuss your character's thoughts, but forget to write action? It's boring for the other reader to have to meander through your character's thoughts. While it often explains why they say things, it's also good to write a bit more in there.
  • Take cues from other characters. If the other character moves or makes a gesture, acknowledge it! I used to have trouble with this, since I wouldn't read the other person's post enough to respond to their prompts.
  • Work from things the other writer doesn't write. That is, if the character is very tall in their Optime form and has a huge scar, your character might be intimidated or they might feel challenged (let us show off our scars!) Whatever it is, try to have your character notice things and work from there.
I hope that helps! :O

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