Secret Enemy

Domonick was laughing until he saw her fall, his eyes widened and he picked up his speed, he jumped over rubble and landed, trotting over beside her. He whined slightly, worried about her, "Don't say that, you don't deserve to get hurt, you could easily hurt yourself just by walking through this place." he rubbed his head along her side and bent down to her hurt paw, licking it gently. He lifted his head to look into her eyes, he was slightly worried, he didn't want her to get hurt, that would be horrible, he was tired of seeing people he cared for hurt.

He smiled gently as she spoke, "Yeah, let's see what we can find in this old place." He stretched, his back popping. He shook his fur and smiled, "I wonder what this place has to hide, nothing too dangerous I hope." he chuckled at at this, to be honest, he slightly wanted to find something dangerous, not to have Adonia in danger, but rather for himself, to feel that rush go through him, the feeling he gets when put into a situation like that, but for now, maybe the danger should hold itself off for awhile, he didn't wanna see Adonia get hurt.

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