Secret Enemy

She laughed, "Of course, if your not paying attention!" Her eyes followed his head to her leg where he licked, her ears fell back as their eyes met a small smile on her muzzle, "You're such a sweet heart. I'm so lucky you like me.." Her eyes followed his for a moment then she licked her lips in a nervous manner. Stepping forward slowly she watched where her paws went, she walked real slow allowing herself to get used to the ping of pain that shot up her leg when she put her full weight on her leg. It was then she began to limp instead of forcing herself to put her full weight on her leg. Her eyes watching her steps aiming to not head in any particular direction.

It was then her eyes looked up to him, her face blushing, "Hahe.." she said in a silly manner. Her eyes look to the music store, "Let's go in looks amusing!" She begins to trot lightly, her limp not as noticeable at a glance. She moved around the large chunk of cement apposed to leaping over it as she would have in any other condition. The Door was closed but one of the windows were busted out clean. Jumping up, she put all her weight on her good leg, then proceeded in. Her eyes took in the sight, "Wow...look at all these tools!" Her eyes looked from the wall of guitars, a few missing, perhaps a few wolves or dogs took them to play. Then her eyes wondered to a drum set sitting in the corner. The look of wonderment on her face. "I wonder how you play that?" She referred to the drum set. There was another, in the middle of the shop, obviously probably the better of the two, and so she was drawn to that one.

She walked slowly to it her limp now nearly gone as she slowly walked over. It seemed it was circulating well now, and only trotting and hard running would agitate it. Her bi-colored eyes looked upon the set as she walked behind the bass drum her nose sniffing at it before she suddenly broke out into a sneezing fit, dust flew up in a large plum cloud. "Ah!" she exclaimed being bombarded by dust.

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