Secret Enemy

OOC: Here comes the hard part 0-0

Tannin was walking through the busted city, making sure to step over everything carefully. He traveled through here before, almost snapped his leg in half, he didn't want that to happen again. As he was walking, he heard noises coming from not that far ahead of him, "Sounds like talking." he said under his breath. He stooped down low, he was in his Optime form, something he was usually always in. He moved behind an old broken chunk of cement and peered around it, he saw a female on the ground, well getting up from what looks like a fall. "That was the female I saw not that long ago, what was her name...Adonia or something." he smirked slightly at the fact that he hoped there was another female with her, it would make a fun time to "play" with the two.

It was then he saw who came after her, his blood stopped cold in his veins, his claws extended, he had to keep everything in his power to calm down the growl that was trying to surface. Domonick came to her help. Tannin's lips reeled back into a snarl, his pearl white teeth bared. He looked Domonick over, That bastard, looks like he has barely changed. He noticed the tip of Domonick's tail, the dyed orange fur. Tannin let out a small chuckle, he remembered what it stood for, in the old pack, it stood for the mark of a coward. He must have done it himself, that's too good.

He stood where he was, trying not to be seen. He watched as they talked and laughed. Then they went inside the old building. His snarl slowly started to go away, only to have a demented smile form in its place instead. He slowly walked over to the building, getting just close enough to hear.

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