

Liliana was sitting down, sorting through some of the herbs she’d picked, they were no good to use anymore because she didn’t prepare them properly, but she wanted to remember the shape of their leaves and such. She’d gone to one of the wolves that explained to her if the plant was useful or not, and then learned what the plant was useful for. She didn’t know how to write, or read, she’d never even heard of either of them, although she’d seen words they were just markings that looked pretty to her. She only had her memory and thoughts to go by which meant she had to remember everything. She did want to keep the leaves, no matter how old and dried they got, till she could tell which was which and where she’d find them, she knew where she found everything she had, and hopefully would be able to prepare whatever she picked right away. She was about to put everything up when she heard a familiar yet new voice outside. She hurried to get the leaves tucked away and went outside. There stood her leader, the one who seemed upset for her first entrance into the packlands, but she’d learned, and he didn’t look made but his appearance made her apprehensive. Normally she heard leaders approached such low ranked wolves such as herself because they were angry at them. She looked up at the wolf chief and then bowed her head a little, nervous.

Good day Dawali

She was pleased she remembered his name, and she was so nervous now she couldn’t really say much more than that. She just hoped she was in no trouble, and he only had a request for her or something. She didn’t know exactly how it was like in every pack, and she never really saw a leader of a pack unless at a distance and that was always when her mother was presenting a horse. She looked belittled by all the leaders that Liliana saw, her form had always been in submission, mostly because she was a dog and wolves were the true leaders. She felt comfortable with most of the wolves here, except one who’d really didn’t seem to like her but they had a hard time conversing. Liliana tangled her hands together nervously waiting for something that had displeased him.

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