the angels will just keep on multiplying

Sure enough everyone was waking up now. Parker watched as Silvano awoke and groggily tried to walk on the bed for tumbling into her and mama. The tiny Sadira pup released a giggle as she felt herself slightly squished underneath her brother's larger form. She knew he must have been really tired to fall over like this. Last but not least, Daddy woke up, kissed mama and then hopped down to help Artemis. Parker had been a little worried for her sister who always seemed to be getting into some sort of trouble. However, seeing Artemis' smiling face poking up over the side of the bed quickly reassured the sunshine girl that her sister was alright.

Slowly but surely mama put Parker and her brother on the floor, where the cinnamon and sugar pup pondered her father's recent question which was quickly echoed by their mother. Where did they want to go? Surely there were lots of choices. Artemis quickly selected everywhere, which Parker knew was an impossibility. Parker would be glad to go wherever they decided, and as usual she felt incapable of voicing her opinion correctly so she remained her regular, quiet self. Slowly but surely Parker was learning, she heard everyone speak and was starting to feel more and more confident in her ability to try and talk. She knew what more words meant and understood the basic grammar, fairly anyway. It would hopefully not be too long before she spoke. For now, though, she would remain silent and just go along with the plan. Besides, her family always seemed to know what she was thinking from her facial expressions and body language anyway. With all that in mind Parker padded over to her father to greet him as she had greeted her mother with a nuzzle and a kiss. Once satisfied that she had said hello Parker reclined to her haunches and waited for a destination to be chosen by her other two siblings.

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