the wind will be wailing

Anann was excited by the prospect of a trade. She had hoped she

wouldn't have found her chosen skill to be of little use. The perservation of

leather was simple really and for all she knew there were plenty of wolves

here already that would be capable of making their own things. So far

though it seemed there were few here that did. It seemed the many here

relied more heavily on scavanging for leftovers from the last civilization

rather than creating there own things. I'm sure we could work

something out. What kind of bag are you wanting? What size?

of the pouches she already had sewn together were small. As an artist

she figured Mati would probably want something larger.

So what kind of artwork to do you do typically? Landscapes, portraits? Anann had always been amazed by those that create things with the stroke of pencil or brush. She had fiddled around with carving bone but it wasn't something she considered having much skill in. Spotting something in the sand Anann bent down, plucking it from the beach. It was translucent with a slightly blue tint. Its edges were worn smooth but it seemed most likely a piece of glass. Interested in anything like this or are you just after the shells? Held the small object out for Mati to see.

The glimmering shells would make wonderful jewelry. At least Anann supposed they would. Jewelry and fine dress were not exactly something she gave much thought too. Are you two close friends? Anann asked, since Cambria had come up yet again. Another shimmering object caught Anann's eye and she plucked it from the sand. A small spiraling shell. The horse still roamed slightly behind them, seemingly uninterested in the two wolves. Though certainly not letting them drift too far away.

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