steal the night


Haven was nervous, but he was doing his best to keep a calm facade. The only one he knew would be able to tell it was an act was Princess, and maybe Heath. Going into battle was one thing, having to stand up and perform music in front of the entire pack wholly another. His hands were much more used to the sword than the strings of a guitar and he wasn't used to having everyone's eye upon them. It did make him happy to see Ruri looking so resplendent though; even more of a chance that everyone would look at her and not him. If he could simply be her invisible accompaniment, then he would be happy. The Knight had promised her though, and he would not let her down. Strel commented on his outfit and Haven couldn't help but smile at the jest. "You think so? Some guy made it. Did a pretty good job." The joking around was helping to distract him. If only he could get Heath into one of their playful verbal rows he would be just fine.

More people came up and spoke to Ruri and some of the others. Haven stood quietly by, observing and sticking close to Princess, their hands clasped. Unconsciously the tip of his tail began to twitch. He was finding the waiting was more unbearable than just the thought of performing. Once he got up there and got it over with it would be fine, but just standing quietly by waiting for it was driving him mad. He wanted to move around, to go do something, but he didn't know what and so he stayed put. Strel excused himself and began to play his lute and soon Ayita's brother moved up to join them. The Seneschal watched the two of them curiously, the music hitting his ears. Then Ayita joined them on the stage and began to sing in a language that he couldn't understand, but it was beautiful nonetheless.

After a few minutes the song ended and he politely joined the applause hailing the performance. Watching them had taken his mind off his anxiousness, but once Ruri leaned over and spoke to him it returned in a hurry. The hybrid swallowed hard past the lump that had suddenly formed in his throat. "Uh...yeah. Looks like it..." he said, his calm demeanor slipping. He was going to mess this up, he just knew it.

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