Xmas in July 2010
Character Name: Jefferson Soul
Character Gender: Male
Character Age: He turns 6 next week O_O
Example Pictures: Look at my profile, there is a huge reference picture. Smile His facial scars, especially the eye, are correct on my Kiritar too.
Character Description: No srz, look at the reference in my profile. He's brown with a tawny underbelly and littered in scars. One green eye and one bad leg. XD
Jewelry or Tattoos: --
Text: None, please.
Picture you would like used: I don't have one.
Other: He's a big assholey grump, so no smiling wolfies, okay? ^^;

Table Size Preference: 300-400
Color Scheme: Browns or sandy things.
Mood: either cold/logical, or something bright but not warm?
Lyrics: Anything works, but if you want something specific, try anything from Foo Fighters' Long Road to Ruin or Times Like These
Picture you would like used: Nothing in particular. Something that matches the lyrics or something.
Other: Please no mountainous landscapes, shots of sunsets/ocean, etc.

Text or Image?: Text please. ^^
Lyrics/Words: Same song/source you get the table text from.
Picture you would like used: Nothing.
Other: Nothing too big please. I don't mind it because long/wide, but not tall.

Best Way to Contact you: PM me on Jefferson, shoot me an IM on AIM

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