What's this? I can't believe my eyes.

The air had an odd energy about it today, and Gideon picked up on that as he padded along the border of the pack. He was only a little guy, just three months old, and knew better than to leave the safety of the pack that he was now a part of...but he could sense that something lay just beyond that border. Something exciting. He had been searching the border daily with hope that he would smell the familiar scent of the last missing sibling, Saul, but so far he had been unlucky. Gideon still had that hope, though, and hadn't given up looking.

The boy was just about to head back for the day and find something to do around the mansion (there was only so much looking a pup could do before his legs and paws got too tired, after all,) when he heard a small howl. It was loud but immature, a younger voice. His heart nearly skipped a beat as he scrambled to turn around, forgetting how tired his legs were or how weary he felt. As he approached the scent got stronger and stronger and he became more sure of it.

"Sawwwwwl!" He yelled as he came over the crest of a hill and into sight of the other pup. His brother had gotten a lot bigger since he had last seen him! Of course, Gideon probably had, too. "You come in! Where you been at?? You come in here, come in da pack-landz!" He reached the other pup and gave a few small jumps of excitement, little yips and puppy-noises coming from his mouth. He was unable to contain such excitement!


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