Determination, patience

WC: 341

Liliana was walking towards the wolf and the horses, unknowingly, she’d been thinking about getting her own horse, but she’d not know anything about where the herds were near here. Today she wasn’t looking for them, she was just walking like she normally did, she loved exploring the lands inside and outside of the pack she’d joined after her parents died. Today it was a nice hot day, although her shaggy coat was rather long, and it did make her feel hotter than normal, she still felt rather comfortable in the shade, out here though, there was not so much of that, but she wasn’t complaining. She was happy, it was not raining, her fur wasn’t sticking to her, it was a good day, just then she spotted a wolf, she stopped suddenly, her heart beat quickly on her chest. Just as she was turning around she saw his horse near him, unbridled and unsaddled following him. Her ears perked up. The horse was a beautiful smoky grey, She could see that the wolf and horse were both looking at something, just further back, she was curious but it looked like they were up to something, she saw the rope and a bag, as the wolf walk down the small ridge that was blocking her view of what he was up to. She moved up the ridge quietly still a few feet away, then saw exactly what they were up to, she let a small audible gasp, it was a herd of horses! She knelt down, knowing that her presence was known, at least to the horses, she didn’t want the wolf to think she was going to hunt these animals and much less let the horses know the same thing. For now she’d observe, maybe if she really tried she might even catch herself one. But unlike the other wolf she wasn’t prepared to catch a horse. She’d at least come back an trail them when she got the supplies to catch one herself. How could she be so unprepared?

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