bleach white bones

No worries! :}

One finger traced the milky bone of a piked skull, before Clover let it fall away with the slightest shudder. She had come to accept death as a natural occurrence in life. Everyone had their time and eventually Mother Earth would take you out of the world. Yet Clover wasn't accustomed to the idea of murder much. She preferred not too dwell to long on violent ideas such as that, for the girl had been brought up on principles of love and peace. Things like this – bones on display as warning – made her slightly uneasy, but she wasn’t going to give up quite yet. If she did a little prying, perhaps Clover would discover the location of her siblings.

A deep and rough voice sounded, causing the girl to raise both golden eyes to study the approaching figure. She had to guess that he wasn’t far older than her, but it was apparent he had some months on her. The difference in height was apparent, as Clover was rather shorter than average and her petite frame did much to accentuate that. Though his frame was muscular and decorated with the light pink of a variety of scars, he did not present himself as outwardly aggressive. For this, Clover was grateful.

"Perhaps," she chimed happily, stepping away from the piked skull and slightly closer towards the man. "My name is Clover Love and I was told that there are quite a few people here that are of the Lykoi family." She wondered if he himself was a Lykoi, making them family. If what she heard was true, there was a high chance that he was. "I’m looking for my siblings, Sage and China Lykoi." Maybe even Micah had made it here, but Clover had yet to pick up on his scent.

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