salvation à la mode

Geneva sighed heavily, looking at him with a mixture of anger and aggravation in her olive eyes at his last question. She had told him, when they were growing close, of the loss of her mate. She had told him that he had met his end, and at the time she had wished that she could go with him. But she had had the promise of a child, one that was broken by circumstance and her situation. It seemed that her current predicament closely echoed her past experience, and she was just as helpless as before. There was an edge of strain to her voice as she spoke to him finally. "Jordan has been cold and dead for two years,"" she said. She put an emphasis on those last two words. Had he doubted her even then?

"You are no fool, Jefferson. You are a great many things, but a fool isn't one of them." The woman stepped forward once more, leaving a bit more of heartrending space between her and her child. But she cared for Jefferson too, even though he had inspired another title wave of anger inside of her right now. She had to fight through it to make things right. "We didn't lose them all in the fall...Although we may have lost each other."

It stung to admit it, but it was the truth. They had grown apart, and it had been her behavior and his unwillingness to acknowledge how much things had changed, that had driven them to this point. She could acknowledge her fault in this without a problem, but he needed to acknowledge that this was what remained between them, a young boy with icy blue eyes.


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